Bra Review, Curvy Kate, Gossard, Lingerie Stores, Off the Rack, Panache, Tutti Rouge Off the Rack ~ Lingerie Shop “The Rack Shack” January 19, 2018
Bra Review, Lingerie Stores My Ewa Michalak Conversion at Levana Bratique (Preaching to the Full Bust Choir) August 8, 2017
Bra Review, Lingerie Stores, Marlies Dekkers, Off the Rack Off the Rack ~ Visiting Etaín Lingerie Boutique in Portland, Maine September 16, 2016
Bra Fitting, Freya, Lingerie Stores, Sleep and Loungewear A Great D+ Destination in Delaware: Bare Essentials (where I tried Freya Lounge for the first time) June 5, 2014
Bra Fitting, Lingerie Stores Karen’s Small Band Large Cup Bra Pilgrimage to Barbara’s New Beginnings in Indianapolis January 31, 2013
Bra Fitting, Lingerie Stores Hunting for an Elusive Big Bust Beauty in Brooklyn and Soho December 6, 2012