I’ve known a few people for a while who are into color analysis, so I have gotten to know a little about the topic. Last weekend I bumped into the idea that a cohesive style may have to do with one’s personal coloring.

So I started browsing the internet to find out what my season is. I know there seem to be several methods,  but for a novice like me, the seasonal analysis–self-performed–was easiest to grasp. I was keen to see if my wardrobe overhaul in the past years is a hit or a miss from the color analysis perspective and do people, and in particular do I, gravitate naturally toward colors that suit us?

After doing some reading, I discovered I’m a cool winter. *picture link to original site of the seasonal color palettes*


I used to like certain autumnal oranges and greens, but in my wardrobe they somehow seemed off on me. So even though I  like those colors, in my overhaul they had to go.

The biggest relief was that my beloved khaki was on the list! It’s often deemed as boring and to be avoided, but I just love it on me and don’t find it boring at all. Phew–I don’t need to give that up! 😀

Also I used to hate pink, but after I had to wear a pink shirt for a work event some years ago, I fell in love with magenta and deep rose. It just seemed to complement my reddish pale skin.

Then there’s navy. I’ve been eyeing a lot of classic navy dresses and thought it was very elegant, but I always agonized over what to wear with navy. This summer I’ve fallen head over heels in love with navy and wow–the compliments I’ve gotten at work. It really does work well. I’ve now got navy shorts, tops, dress, swimsuit, long dress and the casual dress I posted last week. Oh, and a navy blazer that works with all the items I listed. 🙂 Royal blue has been a hit in my latest dress purchases too.

So I think people can gravitate naturally towards their complementary colors. However, we each probably like some colors that can throw us off a bit! I will definitely look more into color analysis in the future and possibly go to an expert for a professional analysis.

For anyone interested in following my style journey, here’s the link to my novice cool wintert Pineterest page.