Instead of hours of down time reflecting in nature this past weekend, we spent our days recovering from sleepless cold nights and torrential thunderstorms! Needless to say, I am very glad to be back to civilization and Red Violet Project.

Interestingly, Christina Binkley of the WSJ was also thinking about image last Thursday, except she calls it “style” in her column, Essential Reading on Style (if the link won’t take you there, email me and I’ll send the article to you). She reviews one book coming out in August called “How Not to Act Old: 185 Ways to Pass for Phat, Sick, Hot, Dope, Awesome, or at Least Not Totally Lame,” by Pamela Redmond Satra.

“Old” is not a word I want for my image, especially if it is associated with slowness or narrow-mindedness, but I’m not striving for “phat, sick, hot” or “dope” either. Spending my time avoiding the appearance of age isn’t the best use of my energy. I’d rather spend it becoming wiser and richer. In fact, this leads me to my latest insight on image: better to spend my resources on what I want to become rather than on running away from how I fear I will be perceived.

Lately I have been meeting many “older” women who embody what I want to become. It’s strange, but as an attorney, I couldn’t find mentors anywhere, but as an entrepreneur, I’m finding them everywhere! I’ll definitely write more about this soon.