Last weekend was the CurvExpo NY for the spring and summer 2015 season. I had initially planned on going, was all registered and everything, but at the last minute I decided to skip it.

Thanks to Darlene’s reader survey a while back, we learned that the Curve show is the content on Hourglassy that readers like the least. So it was hard to get up the motivation to bother going, especially since I haven’t had a free weekend in literally months thanks to an unexpected glut of work and planning my October wedding.

But additionally, there’s so much of the same stuff there season after season that it’s losing its value for me. Every Curve (which is twice a year), I see Eveden, Panache, Curvy Kate, Parfait, and Claudette. It’s rare that I discover something new. In looking over my previous Curve posts, only Claudette has come out with some totally different items instead of strictly variations on the same old stuff. Even the new brands I’ve written about usually aren’t really part of the full-bust market. I’m lucky if they go up to a British G-cup. And then you have brands like Mimi Holliday, whose product I always adore, but can’t do anything more than ooh and aah over it since they don’t offer my size.

Come on, guys, where is the innovation?? And if doing something truly different is too risky, how about doing something totally basic yet missing from the full-bust market? Can someone please make a full-bust racerback bra that opens in the front already? How about getting with the program and using laser-cut fabric for the bra bands? And how many times do we have to ask for different shades of “nude” before a company makes a dark brown continuity bra?

I’m just over it when it comes to new prints on the same bra season after season. Plus, even when a company makes a print that I absolutely love, I can often see them online before I show up at Curve, to say nothing of the excellent coverage that my bra-blogging contemporaries are writing.

So, will I never attend Curve again? That’s doubtful. I still find some fun stuff there, but it’s more and more becoming non-bra items (see Bordelle, PSD, and Empowered by You at last winter’s Curve). Plus, it’s a good way to maintain professional relationships between Hourglassy and the brands we regularly cover. But this time? I don’t feel like I missed much.

If you want to see what was on offer at Curve this year, I invite you to check out my fellow bloggers’ coverage: