Now I’m walking on sunshine
I’m walking on sunshine
I’m walking on sunshine
And it’s starting to feel good, hey
All right now
And it’s starting to feel good.
Song of the day is inspired by the longing for warm sunny weather that we’re all hoping will be here soon.
A few summers ago, I hesitated when Pepperberry introduced a cute Maxi dress and denim jacket. It seemed oh, so, perfect and I was waiting for a sale before I made my purchase. But the 18SC was quick to sell out, in both the dress and the jacket. Never again, I said to myself. Lucky for me, maxi dresses remain available with new styles and prints available from a few designers. Maxi-dresses have become my summer wardrobe staple for evenings and weekends. We’re headed to a local winery late next month for the kick-off of their summer concert series: I’ll be in a Maxi dress. I’ve got a girls-night planned with some friends to see Ringo Star in June: I’ll be in a Maxi dress. A few graduation parties: Maxi dress. Heading down the shore? I’ll be in a Maxi dress. (Other places might call it “the Beach” but if in New Jersey, it’ll always be “down the shore.”)
Here are some of my faves:
I picked up one last fall when I was checking out coats at Lee Lee’s Valise in Brooklyn NY. A convertible dress, the straps can be worn a few different ways. These are exclusive designs by Lisa Dolan, available only thru her boutique. There are pictures of a few styles on her website, but the store is worth an in-person visit for those in or near NYC. For some perspective on sizes, I wear a 1X in most things from LeeLee’s Valise, including the Maxi Dress. By comparison, I wear an 18SC in Pepperberry or 46BBB at BiuBiu. I typically wear a 40GG or 40H bra. I’m 5’9”, and this is full length on me. Shorter women will need to hem the dress. I typically wear this over a bikini and give no thought to whether or not it shows. Depending on bust size, this may not fully cover a conventional bra, but Lisa’s designs usually provide me with adequate bust coverage.
- Convertible Maxi Dress Missoni Print
Next is a beautiful dress from Dream Dancer. I picked up one of these at Lions Lair in Islamorada in December. The colors are vibrant and the feel of the dress is exquisite. The twist front has high back coverage. I can wear the twist front dress over either a bikini top or full coverage bra. I have not tried the cross-front style, but suspect on me it would only work over a bikini top as it looks low enough that a bra would show. Again, the length is perfect for someone tall. I could get away with wearing heels or flats. Shorter ladies will want to have it hemmed.

Lastly, there are a few offerings this year from Pepperberry. This one looks like a big comfy T-shirt that is still dressy enough for a backyard barbeque or Saturday errands.

What do you have planned for summer?