I wish you could have experienced the effervescence of the bra fitters of Barbara’s New Beginnings at the event I attended with them last July. Since you couldn’t be there, I’m bringing you a guest post from one of them, Kali Giggy. When she told me that her husband built special shelves to house her bra collection, I knew you had to meet her. And after you read today’s post, you’re going to wish she were your bra fitter.

I am writing about my vast collection of 32G absolutely gorgeous undergarments (well . . . mostly 32G )! My love affair with these beauties started as soon as I felt the first perfectly fitted Freya at Barbara’s New Beginnings. Trying to stuff everything into DD’s stopped there at that moment.
Always being told that I needed a 38 or 40 DD, I thought that was as good as a bra was going to get for me. I just assumed that I would need to wear a tightly fitted cami underneath everything so I didn’t have that signature “quadraboob” that most unfitted blessed gals have.

Looking at my collection now, I can’t believe I thought I had to wear something so ill-fitting! Today, I have over 50 bras, from the elite Fauve and Simone Perele to the ‘every womans’ bras like Freya, Cleo, Panache and Elomi. Here are some photos of my favorite lovely ladies so that you can enjoy them too.
Naturally, such fine lingerie needs special attention and can’t be shoved into any drawer (especially if, let’s say, I have a few more than the average woman). So, my husband, being the fine man that he is, fashioned special shelving so that my molded cups stay moulded and without defect and so I don’t have my brassieres hanging from the ceiling. Although I don’t mind showcasing them, he seems to take issue with it.
To pick favorites would be like picking my favorite children. I just can’t do it. You see, they all have different talents. Some are great under pressure, like my Pure Lime Compression Bra and Freya Active collection. In fact, I plan to use my wired Freya in the new Jet color to run my very first Mini Marathon in September! I’m so excited!
Then of course, there are others that look so gorgeous it’s hard to cover them up, like my Simone Perele Avant Premiere set in Coral. Ah! So gorgeous!
And it’s so nice to find fellow bra lovers. Now I make the world better one fitted bra at a time and work with the most amazing women. At Barbara’s New Beginnings, we house an inventory of over 30,000 bras–so naturally I fall in love with a new bra weekly and have to add it to my repertoire.
Until next time, bra-bra!!