Reading Darlene’s posts about her “Style Personalities” inspired me to write about the celebrity who inspires my style, Nigella Lawson. I first became aware of her by watching Nigella Bites. It was nice to finally see a female cook on television who actually ate on camera, instead of nibble, and manage to look gorgeous while doing it!

Dinner anyone?
Dinner anyone?

Over the years, what I’ve loved most about her look is that she has several style personalities. Like me, she is a busty mom who must dress for school, work and for evenings out but isn’t afraid to have a bit of fun with it.

Who doesn't love a witty tee?
Who doesn’t love a witty tee?

Nigella has often sported one of my staples, the cardigan. Cardigans are an absolute must have for DD+ ladies who need to be ready to drop by school at a moments notice. They can be paired with jeans or slacks, but my favorite way to wear them is over dresses.

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Looking at her photos is almost like peaking into my closet! We have the same wool coat, and this black dress is quite similar to my Ava dress by PUG.

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I’m a major fan of how Nigella switches up her hairstyle depending on mood and the cut of her clothing. This is the primary reason I keep my hair long. It enables me to pull it up, wear it down or go for a combination of the two.

Pulling her hair off of her shoulders adds to the drama of the severe V created by this tuxedo jacket
Pulling her hair off of her shoulders adds to the drama of the severe V created by this tuxedo jacket
Effortless cool.  Shoulder length waves is perfect with this sleek leather jacket.
Effortless cool. Shoulder length waves is perfect with this sleek leather jacket.

And last but certainly not least, I adore Ms. Lawson’s vamped up looks. Although you see photos of her casually wearing lots of black, this hot mamma also likes to wear bold colors that make a statement. Red seems to be a favorite of hers (and mine).

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It’s clear that Nigella is comfortable with her busty, curvy body and knows how to dress it for every occasion. She is certainly the celebrity I’ll be keeping my eye on.
