Am I the last person in the universe to realize that Carrie Fisher’s breasts were taped down in Return of the Jedi?
- This means that as a junior in high school in 1983, George Lucas deprived me of a smart and strong female character who also happened to be large-busted. It took 28 years for me to find another strong female character with an ample bosom.
- How did they get the gaffer tape to do that??
I imagine they used a similar method to what costumers use to create a flat chest for cross-gender. I know there a couple of different methods if you want a flat center chest versus general flat but neither seem very comfortable (you need tension up and down and then the tissue gets spread into your underarm for the center chest and just smooshed down for general flat chest.) I’ve heard to use medical tape, seems a little less painful.
Thanks for this technical insight, Katie! I guess the tape is nude colored?
I wasn’t sure where to send my “thank you!” to, so the bottom of this post will have to do.
Thank you for such a great site. Thank you for reminding me that I am not a freak! Thank you for gathering together so many women that I can relate to.
I am a 25 year old mother of two and a ballet teacher (dang boobs!) with a 28G situation. I struggled through my teenage years, feeling like I had been punished with a porn star body, dreaming of a breast reduction, and wearing multiple sports bras (sometimes duct tape) to dance. I cried every time I went swimsuit shopping.
I am on better (not perfect) terms with my breasts. I love that my husband loves them, I have discovered breastfeeding (for me, their ultimate purpose), and I finally (2 years ago) was correctly fitted for a bra! I had been wearing a 32 band my whole life, with only a 27″ rib cage! Unfortunately, some of my contentment has disappeared with the difficulty I have had in finding a nursing bra. Today is the day I have given up on nursing bras. I will be ordering a Freya Faye and altering it myself! I am sick of being self conscious in a crappy nursing bra.
Thanks for letting me share! I love your site.
Hi Kieren!
). Breastfeeding has given me the appreciation for my boobs that nothing else could.
I just wanted to say that I EMPATHIZE completely! I’m a 31 year old mother of 3, with a 28H situation (as you put it
But I hear you on nursing bras. UGH!! If you look back in this blog, you’ll see where I did a tutorial on altering a regular bra into a nursing bra.
However, if altering isn’t your thing, you can take your bra to a local tailor who works on wedding dresses (familiarity with lace and other fine details is a plus here), and ask them to do it for you. I had to admit that with the holidays, a newborn, and a husband traveling internationally, that I just didn’t have the time to do it myself and my local tailor, who happens to also hem pants for me, would do my 3 bras for $20. Just another option to put out there!
Kieran, thank you for taking the time to write this comment!! This was just the right place and time for it.
Karen, I was thinking of you as I read about Kieran’s nursing bra challenges. I’m so glad you responded.
You are not the last! And that is a darn small top to be hiding tape under. But mostly, given that these movies are aimed primarily at boys, I’m a bit surprised they chose to play down her breasts.
That’s what one of the commenters to the blog post said–why dress her in a skimpy bikini and then try to make her less sexy?