Welcome again to all you lovely readers! As many of you might have noticed from the recent posts on our blog, I visited the USA on a whirlwind tour last week. Today I will revisit my business trip packing ordeal. Well, I should not say that as I just procrastinated with it so I created the stress myself. I was due to leave for the Helsinki airport at around midday and had not packed a thing but at least had made a plan in my head and prepared the previous weekend by washing all my favorite work dresses and possible traveling clothes.
Then I chose scarves to go with patterned or plain styles as well as bangles.
While I was packing, this was the look I kept getting from my dog: “Oh no, you are not leaving me now are you? Please don’t!”
But to the strategy. My trip would be nine days long:
- weekend in New York with friends
- down to warm Texas for a day and a half
- up to much colder Ohio for a day and
- over to Wisconsin via Illinois for a day and half
- final destination Maryland where the weather was a guessing game (it ended up being a warm weekend)
So there would be four working days at four different offices and flying on six days. I figured dresses were the easiest solution because they took up little space and went with one pair of black boots, nude ankle boots or nude heels. For traveling I chose to take my cozy Eccos with me.

After the shoes were chosen, I chose the dresses and tights. I ended up having more options as I lucked out and got my two new Wallis dresses just a day before I was leaving home.

My first New York outfit was jeggings and a bronze-y wrap tunic by InWear with the Pepperberry trench. A picture of the outfit with the trench can be seen on last week’s Corporate Curves Report (link here).

As for cozy outfits, I took a pair of black and a pair of khaki shorts with me as well as some similar-colored tops. With the shorts I also packed some tights to liven up the look, but I only ended up wearing the leopard print tights once.

I assumed it might be warm enough to wear a knitted dress in Baltimore, so I reserved this Pepperberry dress for the weekend when visiting my cousin and the plan held.
By the end of the trip I still had not worn these three dresses nor this top.
All in all, I had no trouble finding a matching outfit with just 3 pairs of work shoes and one coat with a suitcase that still had plenty of room for shopping. But that is another story!