This Ann Taylor Loft top posted on Corporette last Friday elicited some good comments about embellishments.
RZS: [The shoulder embellishment] drew my eye up, and away from my chest. With just a plain scoopneck, the focus is on the chest; same with any mid-chest embellishment.
KJ: I agree with RZS – sometimes I’m uncomfortable in unembellished tees because they provide too exact an outline of my shape
AH: I think a shoulder detail off on one side (especially a detail in 3D) can balance a chest and distract the eye just a bit from boobage.
However, I disagree with AH’s further comment that “[i]f the detail were centered or over the chest rather than the shoulder – bad idea”. It all depends. No one has told me that I can’t wear the Doncaster top that I posted last week (but you still can!). If anything, my criticism with this top has to do with my need for shapewear around my middle.
Of course, those of you reading since March know I’m partial to embellishments, as evidenced by the Thomas Pink shirt I fell in love with and wrote about then. My reasoning is that if you have a lot on top, once you add ruffles to the mix, no one can tell if it’s your bosom or the shirt. It levels the playing field so that everyone looks buxom.
My advice: If you love a shirt or top, don’t automatically dismiss it because of the embellishments. Try it on. You might be pleasantly surprised.