Boo Said the Elf writes her letter from a personal experience with her best friend.  Here’s hoping it inspires you to be as good a friend to the women in your life who need the confidence that comes from a perfect fit.

Dear D+ Young Woman,

I know a girl who was just like you. My best friend actually. I had noticed for a few  years that she’d had breasts the same size as mine, or bigger, but it wasn’t until a few months ago when I discovered she’s been wearing an A cup! I was completely horrified. Even more so to learn that it was almost certainly because her mother was jealous of her breasts and kept giving her A cup bras and insisting she wear them, despite them obviously not fitting her rather firm and moderately large chest.

Finally I snapped and handed her a few of my old bras and informed her that she was going to try them on and see what a terrible fit she’d been wearing  (at least in the cup size as these were 32 D’s) and lo and behold, a much happier and much better supported friend. I sent her home with these bras until we could go bra shopping at the weekend to get her some properly fitting bras and she was far more cheerful than her usual self. I guided her around the shopping centre until we found the bras in a larger size range. Unfortunately I let her have perhaps a little too much freedom of choice and a little less guidance than I should as she went home with a couple of 34 D that obviously rode up in the back. However her self esteem rocketed after the introduction of these bras so I left it for a few months.

Eventually I persuaded her to accompany me to Bravissimo, I told her it was because I’d never gone before and I’d like some company while I was there that wasn’t my mother. Of course while we were there we might as well have a look to see if there was anything for her there despite her objections that at only a D cup, she was unlikely to find anything that would fit her. However once we got to the store the sales ladies were very useful in helping me persuade her to get a professional fitting along with myself. And what do you know, that 34 D the thought she was turned into a 30 E with plenty of perfectly fitting bras to choose from. Suddenly this mildly depressed teenager who had virtually no self esteem and hated her body and never considered herself attractive was confident, cheerful and obviously proud of her stunning body. She will happily wear bikinis and v-necked tops; she’s even stopped complaining about her ass which hasn’t altered at all.

This is something I’ve shared with you because I can see in you what was in her, the anxiety and worry over having a noticeable chest. And I want you to understand that there is absolutely and positively nothing wrong with having a bust and that it can only add to your beauty as a person, a beauty from inside. Because everyone is beautiful no matter what size or shape they are, and the world will appreciate all these beautiful people being confident enough to share their beauty with the world, be it with their personality, wit, charm, intelligence and a million other traits that are wonderful.

But we all know a person is never truly able to let their best and most beautiful aspects shine when they feel uncomfortable in their own body. And that is a tragedy. So please understand; there is nothing abnormal or weird or negative at all in your shape. Embrace it and love it because that is how you show every other poor lost girl that they are beautiful too. And the world needs you to be the shining star that you are.

Your Fairy Bra Mother