It’s only been four months since I highlighted new full bust designer Miriam Baker, but it’s worth highlighting her again because she’s taking the traditional garment industry route of creating seasonal collections to be sold through retailers–most companies that make clothing for large breasts sell directly to their customers. This means that the Miriam Baker Fall/Winter 2015 collection is now up on her website, and I’ve posted some of my favorite looks below.
Miriam and I met for coffee in July when she came to New York City to source fabric for her Spring/Summer 2016 collection. Incredibly, I didn’t take any pictures of us together, but I can assure you that her full grasp of full bust issues is based on personal experience.
Since introducing her to you, two Canadian boutiques are planning to carry her fall line: Tocca Finita and Tucci Armadio. Kudos to these two stores for investing in a new designer and looking out for their customers who wear more than a B cup!
Of course I wish a New York City boutique carried her line, and I bet you’d like to find her clothes in your neighborhood as well. This is actually one way that Miriam could use our help. An internet search from her laptop in Toronto is no substitute for the local intelligence that Hourglassy readers can provide! Is there an upscale boutique in your town that would be a good fit for Miriam Baker’s designs? If so, please let her know, either in the comments below or by email at info [at] Miriam-Baker [dot] com.
And while you’re at it, send her some reminders that what she’s doing is important! Pursuing the dream of dressing D+ cups can be pretty solitary, and there’s nothing more encouraging than hearing from the women who want to wear your clothing. Fortunately for us, Miriam is extremely committed. She reiterated to me that there are two issues that she won’t budge on: sizing for D cups (and above–eventually!) and quality.
She’s also brimming with creativity. She showed me a sneak peak of a fabric print that she has designed for her next collection, and I can’t wait to show it to you when it’s time to tell you where Miriam Baker is for Spring/Summer 2016! Hopefully, that’ll be in a store near you.

Here in Lisboa I can think of Fashion Clinic [] and Loja das Meias [], certainly there are more as luxury level boutiques have been popping up like mushrooms in the center of the city over the last few years.
I don’t live in Alexandria anymore but I wonder if Bishop Boutique might be a good fit.
I’m drooling over here. These designs are beautiful!! If you need me, I’ll just be over here dreaming of the day I own some of her pieces…
Beautiful! Only only wish such things were available in London