In last week’s post about aspirational style, I wrote that while “subtle, classy sexiness is perfectly fine even in the workplace, in-your-face sexiness doesn’t work.” Today I explore the appropriate level of sex appeal in a bustier woman’s image in a corporate office environment.
The gorgeous Kat Dennings. I see her squashed into tops that are way too tight on her bust and that’s never a stylish look and should never be worn to the office! The lower row of photos shows busty ladies looks that should always be avoided; the top row shows examples of office-suitable classy looks for the office.

Kat is also a good example of a woman who just happens to look sexy with her facial features. In my opinion, women with sexy faces and bodies should both embrace their look but tone it down when dressing for the office. There’s no reason to be afraid of being who they are, but there’s also no need to emphasize their sex appeal with makeup or dressing since that aspect is present no matter what they wear.
Tanja Karpela – a former State Secretary & MP in the Finnish Parliament. She’s also a curvy lady and she also demonstrated pregnancy looks while being an MP. She was fortunate enough not to gain much weight so her tight shirts and short jackets emphasized her figure nicely. But her hair could be sleeker, even a simple ponytail is always a good choice. Her perfectly fitted black suit is still the most stylish look on her. I especially love the belted look. With her makeup and hair, she still looks stylishly sexy despite wearing a fairly traditional suit. It’s all about the fit! For the white shirt look, I do not agree with open toes in a corporate environment. Nice patent heels would’ve looked more professional with that look. But adding a small scarf I find very elegant and also a good opportunity to add a touch of personality as it could also be a colorful and not matchy-matchy.

Janina Fry – a former beauty queen and a popular swimsuit model, now a clothing designer/business woman is famous for her curves. Her line of work does not require a corporate look but this leather dress, as conservative as it is, isn’t a suitable look for a corporate environment. Perhaps if a well-fitting suit jacket were worn with the dress, it might be toned down enough for the office if the personality suits the look. Her white shirt example is a warning to all busty ladies: this is how an ill-fitting shirt with a cami can look when leaning forward! The picture is tongue-in-cheek for an evening magazine, but is has some truth in it. Leather pants with high heels I would not recommend either. That would be a fairly trashy look in an office.

Jennifer Hudson sports an amazing and youthful look with her natural makeup, skinny jeans, white shirt and a well-fitting jacket. If you work in a corporate environment that isn’t suits only and allows smart casual looks, then this one would be great for the office.
Susan Sarandon’s flowy yet fitted suit makes an elegantly sexy look suitable for any office or red carpet.
Naya Rivera’s Dolce & Gabbana lace suit looks sleek and stylish but very sexy. This would not be an office look, but without the lace it could be–although this top with a much bigger bust would not work without a scarf for modesty. But with a D-E bust and smaller back sizes it could look just fine.
Finally Christina. Christina, this look just isn’t you. Anything anyone ever wears should look like themselves. This Dolce & Gabbana suit is too small for her to the point of the skirt being unflattering, and combining edgy mega heels to a look this conservative doesn’t work well. Her bleach blonde hair combined with the bright red lippie is from the same world as her shoes, but the suit is not. This is a messy look to be avoided by office workers.

Maria Guzenina – a former MTV Europe host and currently a State Secretary in the Finnish parliament. She has worn some old lady styles after becoming a state secretary, but the bottom left look demonstrates that a crisp white shirt and a classic pencil skirt creates credibility. No one would question a stylish woman like this. It works for the office and a dinner after work. The upper left suit look can be a bit boring but can look classy sexy when you have a certain wink in your eye, combine killer heels with it, and wear a color suited to your skin type. In the bottom right photo, sometimes it’s not necessary to look so serious but to still be credible, and the look with Converse shoes and an otherwise sharp look works really well! Finally, in the upper right, a simple skirt and a top with nice shoes can be enough, nothing too complicated but straightforwardly stylish and suits the wearer so well.

Overall embracing your true self, expressing it with your look but adapting it to the corporate culture is the main rule in how to look your best while being work-appropriate. Well-fitting clothes make a tidy and professional look and flatter anyone’s body.
Cleavage Tangent
Too much skin is a big no! I would advise not to be to loyal to the belief that big-bosomed ladies need to wear V-necks. A bigger-than-average bust will always be noticed whether you show cleavage or not. If your bra and clothing fit well, you will look great! There’s no need to show cleavage to appear less busty because personally I don’t think you really do – the bust is just noticed far better and it can change how people view you in a corporate environment. Just like men who wear too many buttons undone and show their chest hair or pecks… 🙂