When you’re walking around Times Square in NYC and see large-busted mannequins, you have a pretty good idea what you’ll find inside the store, but when you’re walking around an outlet mall in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and see them, like we did yesterday, you do a double-take!
It turned out to be an ordinary store, not a surprise treasure chest of clothing for the large-breasted population. The knits on these mannequins were probably all that they could get to fit them.
I plan to write about my mother’s and niece’s bra fittings last Tuesday, but I’m still forming my thoughts, which I find quite challenging to do while on vacation. Right now, for example, everyone in my family is on the beach (we’re in Daytona today) expecting me to join them.
I once got curious if I could find more hourglassy mannequins. I was toying with the idea of if I ever were to start my own shop, how would I find mannequins to fill out the clothes?
I looked on the internet but they were really hard to find and many were in lewd poses. I found a few that were ok, if a bit more… anatomically correct than usual. I'm surprised this shop managed to get them, let alone that they *wanted* them!
I had to laugh at this, Darlene! When I was visiting Miami in 2009, these large busted mannequins were everywhere! I had to giggle
Pity the string bikinis the majority of them were wearing didn't cover nearly enough that'd you'd expect (or hope) on breasts that size!
Brittany, I think it'd be great if you were to start your own shop some day. Interestingly, I think it would be hard to dress one of these rigid mannequins. There's no give at all. I've been putting D+ bras on a dress form and stuffing them. It can make for some lumpy boobs, but at least they're not hard.
Phillipa, what is it about South Florida???