Growing up, my family used to make us go around the table and say what we were thankful for during Thanksgiving dinner. By now, of course, we’ve all grown cynical and jaded, so that tradition is pretty much gone. But I think it’s about time I resurrect it. So this year, I am thankful for…my boobs!

Thank you, boobs, for making me feel womanly and sexy no matter how frumpy I’m dressed.

Thank you, boobs, for making me feel unique and specialI do wear a “specialty” bra size, after all.

Thank you, boobs, for all the free drinks.

Thank you, boobs, for the extra boost of confidence.

Thank you, boobs, for filling out cute pinup-style dresses.

Thank you, boobs, for letting me cut my hair as short as I want without ever being mistaken for a boy.

Thank you, boobs, for balancing out my hips.

Thank you, boobs, for helping me snag a lovely boyfriend who enjoys curves (though maybe some credit is due my personality too?).

Big boobs are great! What’s not to love?

What are you thankful for?

(Image courtesy, copyright Danielle Corsetto)