In this picture, you see all three of the attitudes that I wrote about last September: Hide Me, See Me and Look at Me. I think it’s obvious which is which, right?

Thanks to Debra for sharing this picture with us.  As soon as she posted it on Facebook last week, I knew I had to have it.  She and her friends wore red to support the band Small Town Scoundrels in a contest.  With this kind of support, of course they won.

The amazing cleavage on the right is thanks to a 30FF Freya Deco Plunge bra that Debra ordered from the Town Shop.  In other brands she wears a 30G. 

Debra also knows how to dress with a “See Me” attitude, as evidenced by her Rebecca & Drew dress.  She’s a pre-K teacher, so she has to!  But I’m not sure she could ever adopt the “Hide Me” attitude, and if she has her way, neither will anyone else