I have no idea what Tammy will write for you in her column, The Rack, tomorrow. Will it be more back and forth about getting a reduction, or will she change the subject?  If you remember my January 25 post, you know the direction I hope she’ll take regarding a reduction. After all, if she decides to get one, I will lose the perfect fit model for my L-sized shirts, and the world will lose a perfect pair of breasts. However, I like being privy to her thought process, and I hope you find her honesty as refreshing as I do.

“But I thought your blog was about living with big breasts.” That was my husband’s comment after reading her column last Friday. And it is. But one ever-present reality for women living with large breasts is the option of having them reduced.

When you think about it, we can alter almost everything about us except our height and bone structure. I color my hair. And after seeing the back view of my Carissa Rose Justina shirt yesterday, I’m determined to find the right shapewear to give me a smooth back. (Oh all right, I’ll go to the gym, too.)

There’s a line somewhere between making a few happy changes and turning into the Bride of Wildenstein. I’m sure it comes down to the frustratingly true cliché that it’s all a matter of balance. As with every other aspect of life, we need to stop occasionally to be sure we’re living according to our values and haven’t become distracted by an obsession.

As I said in my title, this post won’t reach any conclusions.  I simply want to offer it as an opportunity for each of us to consider where we are on the self-acceptance spectrum.  Below are links to other perspectives on this subject.

1.  Playwright Carmen Pelaez on the reduction issue.

2.  Writer Susannah Frankel considers society’s fetishisation of the female form after Claudia Aderotimi’s death following her bottom enhancement surgery.

3.  Did you know that there are Twitter identities that revolve around encouraging women to continue in their eating disorders?  I stumbled upon one of them after conducting a routine Twitter search for women complaining about large breasts.  When I saw her profile picture, I thought, “But this woman’s breasts look no larger than a B cup.”  Upon closer inspection, I noticed her ribs sticking out.  Then I noticed the subject of her other tweets and that she had followers with names like @Idreamofskinny, @wannaseemybones, @fadingawaybella and @airdiet.  I went to bed very sobered after reading their tweets.  

4.  Finally, how would you respond to this Facebook query from The Bra Lounge:

Do you know a teen girl struggling with beauty issues? What do you do, or could you do, to inspire her to embrace herself and take a healthy, happy approach to life?