I only have one more Christmas gift to buy, and I’ve even ordered holiday photo cards from Costco (200 for $45). I wasn’t going to send cards this year, but when I found out that Gail Hanny, who has two little girls and two businesses, could still make time to send out cards, I decided I could as well. Plus, we received our first cards in the mail on Friday. Hearing what’s been going on with old friends makes me want to reach out to them. So this weekend, we’ll be rounding up addresses and signing cards with Christmas music in the background.

The holiday spirit and the cold I came down with yesterday have been taking up most of my head space, so this blog may ramble for a little while. I have managed to think more about my new approach to sizing, and the good news is that I think it’s going to work. Now it’s time to get into my favorite new Doncaster pants and head to my favorite networking lunch. (Nothing after the jump.)