Oh. My. Goodness. Decluttering is the best way to start the new year. Yes, I had to bribe myself with Indian food on Seamless Web and a few extra online Boggle sessions last night in order to make it through six months of old emails, but gradually, a sense of order is beginning to emerge. I’m seeing where I’ve come from and where I’m going. I’m finding contact information and entrepreneurial list serve emails that I’ll need. I’m realizing who I want to say goodbye to, and I’m getting very excited about saying goodbye. Dena, my outplacement coach, said to remind myself of this when the challenges of Red Violet become overwhelming. Good idea. If you’re being laid off, be sure to use the outplacement services offered to you. Dena has been invaluable. Who better to know what’s normal in this process than someone who works with people going through this process all the time?